What to Wear
For the Guys
It’s best if you schedule a haircut 1-2 weeks in advance of your portrait session, this will give a little time to grow out. We suggest saving the morning of your session (be careful not to nick your skin)! While the “five-O’clock shadow” is the look these days be sure this is the look you want to be remembered by. Ten, fifteen, twenty years from now this trend may be long gone.
For the Girls
I suggest you wear your hair in the style you wear every day! This is how your family and friends see you every day. Quick changes to your hairstyle can be done during your session, however, this does cut into the session time. I also suggest that you trim your hair a couple of weeks before your session so that your ends are fresh.
Clothing Tips
To achieve a diverse portfolio of images, bring a variety of clothing styles; casual, dressy, trendy, sporty, etc. The selection of color will also play a large part in showing more variety in your images. Select colors that you like, as well as colors that look great on you! How do you know what is the best color for you? Stand in front of the mirror hold outfits of different colors in front of you, the colors that make your eyes, skin, and smile stand out are perfect! If you feel good in your outfits, you will look amazing!
Tips on what looks best and what to avoid
Solid colors work great, especially for close-ups. The focus will be on you rather than your outfit. Try to avoid loud colors or heavy patterns. Select colors that enhance your skin tone. If you feel your upper arms are large and don’t want to focus on them, long sleeves tend to look better than short sleeves or sleeveless. Sam with your legs, if you don’t want to focus on your thighs, wear pants, capri pants, skirts or dresses rather than shorts.
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