I decided to post a few shots from a couple of events I photographed last year. I was in awe of who I got to meet and photograph, I can’t believe it took me this long to post them. I have photographed a charity event for the American Transplant Foundation, Brownstein-Hyatt-Farber-Schreck and The Creative Coalition. They planned the event during the DNC in Denver. I bet you will recognize a few familiar faces.
Rachael Leigh Cook
Anne Hathaway
Susan Sarandon and Dana Delany
Mr. Spike Lee
Gloria Reuben
Josh Lucas was my favorite person to meet and photograph. He did a fun spoof on the other actors.
I have always thought Josh Lucas was cute. I have to admit he is even cuter in person if that is possible.
A quick picture of Anne Hathaway and her brother before the show.
One might ask, how do you photograph a group of 100 adults? My answer, see below. There is an art to arranging 100 grown men and women. I have my long time friend, Tom Moore, to thank for teaching me how to do it. I had an opportunity to put my skills to work while photographing an event for Northwestern Mutual Financial Network at The Broadmoor Hotel. After accomplishing the big group photograph we broke it down to each district. I always enjoy photographing this event.
Bunny lovin!
Cooper had his first try at riding the pony.
I loved this shot of him in his crib. The artwork on the walls was so fun.
I don't think you can get any cuter then this
Well maybe you can...
Tucker was so good with little Cooper. It looked like innocent fun until you look at the next photo.
It was still innocent fun. It looks like the dog has his hand, but he is gently taking the ball from him. The shot after this was Cooper with a huge smile on his face.
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